

author: error
classification: other
update: 2024年11月01日

"I guess it's still too small!" Lin Meng shook her head and said to Rong Ling. "You still don't understand anything!",At this time, if the adults cooperate with him, squatting down and supporting his armpits to help him walk, he will giggle with joy. Often, after walking once, he is not satisfied and wants to walk three or four times before taking a break. After a while, he'll start crawling again, looking for a suitable high place to conquer. At this time, any furniture, such as cabinets, chairs, tea tables, anything with edges, frames, or protrusions at a height suitable for him will be grasped by his small hands, which are not even the size of a cookie, with all his might. Then he puts his center of gravity on the furniture and slowly stands up leaning against it.,Because there were many toys, at first when a few went missing, the adults didn't pay much attention. One day, Lin Meng was disinfecting the toys commonly used by the children and noticed that a plastic rabbit-shaped toy that made sounds seemed to be missing. She thought about it once or twice, but she didn't take it to heart. However, as the number of times this happened increased, she had to pay special attention.。

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